JUMP TOEnterprise APIMember InformationGet a list of company membersgetGet company membergetGet company members summarygetAudit LogsGet audit logs for your companygetCompany Member User TypesUpdate company member user typespatchSCIMGet a list of company members.getCreate a new company member.postGet the details of a single member.getUpdate an existing company member.patchReplaces an existing company member.putHard deletes existing company member.deleteGet a list of groups.getCreate a new group.postGet details of a single group.getUpdate an existing group.patchDelete group.deleteGet SCIM service provider configuration.getGet SCIM supported resource types.getGet the details of a single resource type.getGet schemas.getGet details of a single schema.getMappingGet a list of group mapping information.getGet group mapping information for a specific group.getUpdate group mapping for a specific group.patchContent Ownership TransferTransfer ownership or membership of murals and roomspostGet the status of a transfer content jobgetReporting APIGet a list of workspaces.getGet a list of rooms.getGet a list of murals.getGet a list of users.getGet a list of templates.getGet a list of workspace memberships.getGet a list of room memberships.getGet a list of mural memberships.geteDiscoveryCreate a job to identify muralspostGet status of identification jobgetGet results of identification jobgetCreate a job to export muralspostGet status of export jobgetGet results of export jobgetGet SCIM supported resource types.get https://api.mural.co/enterprise/v1/scim/ResourceTypesRetrieve the resource types supported by MURAL.