JUMP TOMURAL APIIntroductionMURAL Public APIMuralsCreate a muralpostGet single muralgetDelete single muraldeleteUpdate a muralpatchGet mural's access informationpostDuplicate a muralpostExport mural to filepostGet export URLgetGet murals for a workspacegetGet recently opened murals for a workspacegetGet murals for a roomgetUpdate mural visitor settingspatchReset the mural visitor linkpostMural ContentsCreate an asset URLpostGet chat for a muralgetGet tags in a muralgetCreate a tag in a muralpostGet a single taggetUpdate a tag on a muralpatchDelete a tag from a muraldeleteGet voting sessions in a muralgetGet a voting session in a muralgetGet voting session results in a muralgetGet widgets for a muralgetGet files for a muralgetGet single widgetgetDelete a widgetdeleteCreate an area on a muralpostUpdate an area on a muralpatchCreate an arrow on a muralpostUpdate an arrow on a muralpatchCreate a file on a muralpostUpdate a file on a muralpatchCreate an image in a muralpostUpdate an image in a muralpatchCreate shapes on a muralpostUpdate a shape widget on a muralpatchCreate sticky notes on a muralpostUpdate a sticky note on a muralpatchCreate titles on a muralpostUpdate a title on a muralpatchCreate text boxes on a muralpostUpdate a textbox on a muralpatchCreate a comment on a muralpostUpdate a comment on a muralpatchUsersGet users of a muralgetUpdate mural member permissionspatchInvite users to a muralpostRemove users from a muralpostGet users for a roomgetUpdate room's members' permissions.patchInvite users to a roompostRemove users from a roompostGet current usergetInvite users to a workspacepostRoomsCreate a roompostGet single roomgetDelete single roomdeleteUpdate single roompatchCreate a folder in a roompostGet folders for a roomgetDelete a folder from a roomdeleteGet rooms for a workspacegetGet open rooms for a workspacegetTemplatesGet default templatesgetCreate a custom template from a muralpostDelete single templatedeleteCreate a mural from a templatepostGet default and custom templates for a workspacegetGet the recent templates for a workspacegetWorkspacesGet workspacesgetGet single workspacegetSearchSearch muralsgetSearch roomsgetSearch templatesgetUpdate a title on a muralpatch https://app.mural.co/api/public/{version}/murals/{muralId}/widgets/title/{widgetId}Update a title widget on a mural. Authorization scope: murals:write